Wednesday, September 17, 2014


William Godfrey 
The title of my film project is Bar After Work. The main idea that I started with was decisions and consequences that some people live for. This topic is everywhere from my work place to television and the radio. The popular slang word or phrase for alcoholism today is “Turn up.” The source of my idea comes from the observation of living and working in the real world. This topic comes to a bit of concern to me from the number of wine or beer bottles I recycle after work. The content of this film involves absurd and wild behavior.
I wanted my audience to laugh out loud to my piece. This story is about a character getting off work and going to a bar. In the beginning the main character is wearing a hard hat and a floating clock appears.  He praises for the clock’s presence and exits the scene. In the next scene there is an 80’s themed music score to go along with his journey to the bar at the end of the walk the sun goes down. When the main character arrives at the bar he pulls out a beer out of nowhere and immediately begins drinking one beer after another. The character becomes intoxicated and gets double vision mistakenly seeing a smaller woman for a larger woman. The character gets into a fight and gets knocked out. He later wakes up in the morning with vomit on his face and no clothes on.
After viewing my work the content did not change. I don’t think there is a deeper meaning in the piece.
Areas where the film fell short were in the delivery and timing of the jokes. Some of the scenes ran a bit long. The repetitive score from the bar scene seemed annoying and too long at times. Overall I can tighten up the timing to be faster and funnier.

The process in learning the art of shadow puppeting was fun. It seems easy to make some shadows on a wall or making a few puppets here and there. Building a set and multiple characters takes time. The ability to preform the same act for a camera and being in the right spot takes time. There is no way of preforming a puppet show with many special effects without the help of friends and classmates. Finally after watching back the show after many long takes of behind the scenes rigging you find a new perspective of the show.         

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Setting: Daytime High -Noon First character enters Amos - Male child, ranging from ages of 6-7 yo Plot: Amos is holing a handwritten card/invitation to a party for an exclusive club. Reads YOURE INVITED RING POP CLUB WHERE: 1234 JULIANS BACK YARD ST BRING YOUR SPESHELL SOMEONE He’s reading the card down, camera is panning down and after he finishes, card goes down, and the camera pans up to see the clubhouse. Clubhouse - big cardboard cut out shack. Looks like children using boxes, duct tape and other household items constructed it. Screen directions Amos looks at the location curiously, wondering if he’s at the right place. Shrugs his shoulders Scene II Inside the clubhouse is vibrant, bright atmosphere, with luxurious décor in the manner of a well-decorated venue. Idea: Imagination Warp The image of the characters switches from a more adult-like atmosphere Scene III Amos is immediately greeted by Julian. Julian is a male child, ranging from ages 6-7 y/o. Julian: Hey! You made it! *hugs Amos* Amos: *smiles* Julian introduces Penny Penny - female character Julian’s Bride Julian: this is my best friend in the whole wide world my special someone Penny! Julian: So where’s your special someone? Amos: On the way. Julian: I can’t wait to meet her! Amos: wait but- Julian interrupts- Julian: Let me show you around-Penny will be demonstrating the club activities for us. The next scene explains all the benefit the children get from being in the married club. Julian leads Amos down a long hall way with activity rooms. Julian: Joining our club is a good way getting lots of the things that you want and need Like the free candy store Cartoons Ball pit Jumping moonwalk Games When joining each couple receives- An annual party -like an extra birthday for you and your special someone Issued a Teddy bear with all the bear accessories, for the two of you to play, “house” Double allowance to get more toys and candy It’s another way of keeping playtime alive! No more- “I don’t wanna play any more”- “nuh unh you gotta play until the end!!!” Seymour arrives male character 7 ½ yrs old -Amos’s partner Seymour walks into the clubhouse nonchalantly checking out the place (looking around) Julian: Who are you? Amos: Julian! This is my “special someone!” “Seymour.” (hinting at Seymour). The transition of the nice fancy club is converted into the dark cardboard clubhouse. A long awkward silence arises The kids are looking at each other Penny is touched an excited about Amos and Seymour Julian is in a state of shock Amos smiles and takes Seymour’s hand Seymour is looking around at the place wondering who turned the lights off. Penny: Aww look Julian they are so cute together. Julian confused/puzzled: I didn’t know you were-Penny interrupts- Penny- We are glad to have you! Amos-Seymour So… We are ready to join your club Julian: (sighs) I guess we can make arrangements for you two, but it won’t be the same (rolls eyes with an attitude) Amos: what do you mean? Julian: well the club is meant boys and girls to join in together. Its not the same Julian you cant get a free teddy bear and What are you gonna do when you play “house” you don’t have a mommy and daddy Julian*Confession booth*Mom stays at home cooks cleans feeds baby Dad gets a job works provides for the family. Amos: Why can’t Seymour and me take care of a bear? Julian: well you can’t get a “free bear” you have to adopt one and get your own accessories! Amos: Why do the other bears get special treatment? Why cant our bear get the same accessories Can kids that don’t want to take care of teddies join the club? Julian: yeah well some kids like taking it easy. Every one isn’t cut out for a teddy bear you know it’s a big responsibility. Julian: besides the rule says that only girls and boys can join together. Its always been this way since…. since forever. Amos: *confession Booth*I wonder if people always kept rules that helped some people get better treatment than others? That just doesn’t seem fair. Confession booth in the confession booth the kids explain their points of view in a documentary style. Amos- how can tradition be a reason for anything? Seymour -tradition is stupid Penny: Julian I have two dads Julian: Whaat ? Penny: Why don’t we just play a different way so Amos and Seymour can have fun with us? Julian: No its my club house! Amos: C-mon are we hurting someone Julian: Yes you are hurting the club Seymour: (Looks around) It seems fine to me Julian: WELL ITS HURTING! (Julian’s sudden out burst surprises everyone) Amos: What’s the worst that can happen Julian? Julian: A thought bubble arises from Julian’s mind : he imagines the entire club rioting, fire balls are falling from the sky, and Penny and Julian are forced to flee with their teddy bear. “Terrible things.” Amos: Do you not wanna be friends with us anymore Julian: Yes I wanna be friends Penny : Lets take a vote! How can we break this down into children version of three of those things

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Marriage Club Story Plot Outline

High -Noon

First character enters
Amos - Male child, ranging from ages of 6-7 yo

Amos is holing a handwritten card/invitation to a party for an exclusive club.
He’s reading the card down, camera is panning down and after he finishes, card goes down, and the camera pans up to see the club house.
Club house - big cardboard cut out shack. Looks like it was constructed by children using boxes, duct tape and other household items.

Screen directions
Amos looks at the location curiously, wondering if he’s at the right place. Shrugs his shoulders

Scene II
Inside the club house is vibrant, bright atmosphere, with luxurious décor in the manner of a well decorated venue.

Idea: Imagination Warp
The image of the characters switches from a more adult-like atmosphere

Scene III
Amos is immediately greeted by Julian.
Julian is a male child, ranging from ages 6-7 yo.

Julian: Hey! You made it! *hugs Amos*
Amos: *smiles*
Julian: So where’s your special someone?
Amos: *Looks surprised at the question. Awkwardly* On the way.
Julian: I can’t wait to meet her!
Amos: *Looks awkwardly around*
Julian: Let me show you around

Julian: joining our club is a good way getting lots of nice things.
Like the free candy store
Ball pit
Jumping moon walk
When  joining each couple receives-
An annual party -like an extra birthday for you and your special someone
Issued a  Teddy bear for you to play house
Double allowance to get more toys and candy
The next scene explains all the benefit the children get from being in the married club.

Julian introduces Penny
Penny - female character Julian’s Bride
Seymour arrives  male character Amos’s partner
Amos introduces Seymour as his “special someone”

The transition of the nice fancy place is converted into the cardboard  dark club house.
An awkward silence arises
The kids are looking at each other
Penny is touched an excited about Amos and  Seymour
Julian is in a state of shock
Amos is now nervous about what Julian thinks
Seymour is looking around at the place wondering who turned the lights off.

Julian  confused puzzled -  I didn’t know
Penny- we are glad to have you
Amos- So we are ready to join your club
Julian I guess we can make arrangements for you two but it won’t be the same(rolls eyes with an attitude)
Amos what do you mean
Julian well  the marriage club is for mainly boys and girls to join  its not the same
Julian explains to them that they will not be allowed to the teddy bear because he believes they will not be able to play house with the mommy and daddy

Mom stays at home cooks cleans feeds baby
Dad gets a job works provides for the family

Confession booth in the confession booth the kids explain their points of view in a documentary style.
The character debate the topic
Julian talks/discusses gender  roles  on what the model ideal parents should be.
Penny identifies with the situation because of her own living situation.
Amos ask why?

Julian Argues that its tradition . “Its always been that way“

Amos- how can tradition be a reason for anything?
Seymour -tradition is stupid
Amos and Seymour  argue that  they could adopt a bear and wouldn’t the bear’s feelings get hurt if all the other bears parents were married .
 What are you so afraid of ?

Penny reveals that she has two dads to Julian
The club takes a vote
And the couple  gets voted in.
Or the other club members over hear the discussion and side with the gay couple
The club reacts with why don’t you let them in they aren’t hurting any body

Wednesday, September 3, 2014